Who We Are

A Few Words About Us


During the pandemic of 2020, TechCycle was started as a non-profit organization with a focus on giving out free tech devices to individuals and communities in need. With schools and businesses shut down and a shift to remote learning and work, the digital divide became more apparent than ever. Many households lacked the technology and internet connectivity necessary to participate fully in online education and work, exacerbating existing inequalities. We recognized the urgency of the situation and began collecting and refurbishing donated devices to distribute to those who needed them most.

Through our efforts, we were able to provide critical support to students, seniors, nuns, and low-income households locally and globally, ensuring that they could complete their homework, stay connected and engaged during a time of great uncertainty. We not only provided access to technology but also helped to bridge the digital divide and promote greater equity in education and employment opportunities.

We also recognized that by refurbishing and redistributing donated devices, we potentially reduce these devices being thrown into the landfills where they're not being properly disposed and recycled. Hiring workers to sort through electronic waste can be expensive and has led to many recycling centers to ship their e-waste overseas, mostly to developing countries. These landfills incur major economic and environmental effects especially on the underdeveloped local communities. In some cases, child labor are practiced on these landfills.

Our efforts did not stop when the pandemic of 2020 ended. We are excited to continue focusing on providing help to those who need most!

More on TechCycle from the media:


Mission: Reduce electronic waste while bridging the digital divide

Reducing electronic waste and bridging the digital divide are both crucial for building a sustainable and equitable future.

Vision: Build the world of compassion, inclusivity and sustainability

Protect and preserve basic human and earth rights.

Apply for help


If you or someone you know need a device (laptop, tablet, etc.), apply for a free device here.



Donate your devices that you no longer use and others can use.



We always need help with something. Small efforts can help people in big ways!



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Success Stories