Success Stories

July 29, 2021

The Therapeutic Benefits of Writing and the Power of Accessible Technology

An aspiring writer in Philadelphia discovered the therapeutic benefits of writing. As she continued to hone her craft, she realized that her outdated and somewhat broken laptop was hindering her progress and ability to express herself. However, she lacked the resources to afford a new one. We recognized her passion for writing and the importance of having a reliable laptop, and we donated a refurbished laptop to her.

With her new laptop, she was able to access more advanced writing tools and applications, allowing her to continue pursuing her passion and express herself more effectively. She was also able to connect with other writers online and join virtual writing communities, further enhancing her writing skills and providing her with a support system. TechCycle's donation not only provided her with a better laptop, but also with a renewed sense of confidence and motivation to continue pursuing her passion.

Her story demonstrates the intersection of technology, career and mental health, and how access to reliable technology can play an important role in supporting mental well-being and passion. We are happy to give back to community and make a positive impact on the lives of individuals in need!